Embodiment exercises
Body scan, embodied frustration + anger, resetting eyes after too much scrolling
I was always a little worried about starting an online newsletter because I was worried something would happen in the world and I’d have to weigh in, adding to the clatter of voices. I am going to trust that you have found the political and movement voices you need right now, and offer you these 3 embodiment exercises.
Basic body scan. Body scans are a really simple thing you can get in the habit of doing, that over time can restore basic communication between your brain and body. It’s the foundation of everything. You don’t have to get all meditative or relaxed to do it. Here’s a 5 min guided video for it, but if you don’t want to watch or listen to the video, basically you just gently bring awareness to your the various parts of your body without trying to get them to change, just allowing change to happen as you bring awareness.
Next is one for frustration and anger. This is not a cathartic exercise, like punching pillows or something (which is also a fine thing to do), but rather bringing a coordinated awareness to your body as you mobilize around anger or frustration. This is not going to solve the problem that you might be angry or frustrated about, but it does help the body move through the tension patterns around it, so that you don’t take out frustration and anger on people who aren’t the actual cause, or in ways that aren’t aligned with your values. You need a rolled up bath towel for this one. Roll it up, wring it out, really get your body and face into it. Then rest and shake it out. X3.
Next is one about resetting your nervous system after too much scrolling. This involves peripheral vision and eyes. When we’re looking at our phones and taking in horrific news, our bodies read it as if there is physical threat in our very inner circle, close to our body. Resetting the eyes can help us come back into regulation and help us act in alliance with our personal/political strategies and values, rather than reacting out of the threat response.
Here’s a vaguely related article I wrote awhile back. https://anarchiststudies.org/power-within-by-cindy-crabb/